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  1. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    I was going to say that, haha. I knew he did miss something.
  2. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Did you follow the instructions for installing the tools?
  3. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Its already in the tools, if you mean something else, can you explain more thoroughly?
  4. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Weird, I didn't have to do that stuff. Mine works just fine anyways.
  5. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    in your scripts go to line 117 (which is the restriction for #115) and use this 5 addWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"addWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !"USBasicWeaponsBox.sqf"," !"_holder addweaponcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select...
  6. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Just going to update you guys that x00's anti-hack script is now updated to allow this admin script to work as well.
  7. I

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    This is a good tool and all but the problem is that it's very exploitable as in there is no way on keeping track if someone finds out the panel and it being open with no user/password system.
  8. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Yes you can
  9. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Their gear in the tents are reset after restart? Weird, might be you because I don't have that problem.
  10. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Explain, because that doesn't make sense.
  11. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Hmm, I will see what I can do.
  12. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Read the previous pages and use the search function.
  13. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    That was pretty annoying to read. And if it lags just take off some of the stuff with F7 and then you just have the teleport.
  14. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    In activate.sqf, change the lines to look like this. That will allow your users to use the player debug. waituntil {!alive player ; !isnull (finddisplay 46)}; sleep 30; player addaction [("<t color=""#0074E8"">" + ("Tools Menu") +"</t>"),"admintools\Eexcute.sqf","",5,false,true,"",""];
  15. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    No problem.
  16. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Remove the hashes (#).
  17. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Post the first part of the code for the AdminToolsMain.sqf.
  18. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    You don't need to have your UID in all of them, just in all admins and super admins, or else it won't work
  19. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Interesting, might need to make a new activate script.
  20. I

    DayZ Admin tools

    Is this with the latest release?