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  1. R

    RPT Log - Help

    Im not sure if your using Domes or what but here is what the statement should look like: if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["xxxUIDxxx" , "xxxUIDxxx"]) exitWith { Of course replace the xxxUIDxxx with the actual UID
  2. R

    100% Kill & Death Messages

    Works like a charm on my Cherno servers....
  3. R

    100% Kill & Death Messages

    Change: [nil, nil, rTITLETEXT, _message, "PLAIN DOWN", 0] call RE; To : [nil, nil, rspawn, [_killer, _message], { (_this select 0) globalChat (_this select 1) }] call RE; This will put it into the chat and allow players to scroll through the history by pressing "/" and the Page up...
  4. R

    [Question] SideChat through Trigger activated script.

    Sarge, thanks I'll look through it. Im hoping to be able to have the message get picked up by Gotcha or DaRt.
  5. R

    [Question] SideChat through Trigger activated script.

    Urbanskaters, I've looking for a way to send a message to sidechat as well. Any luck?
  6. R

    get server time

    bump... would like to know how to enable: !upt
  7. R

    sidechat.. sending text?

    Tai, Been looking to get messages to appear in side (or any other) chat . Did you have any further success after rHINT?
  8. R

    100% Kill & Death Messages

    St.Anky, I believe you and I have been looking at this the wrong way... The kill message is sent to the RPT via 'diag_log _loc_message;' and to all players via rTITLETEXT. Since we are trying to send to sidechat perhaps 'sidechat _loc_message;' would work? Current server_playerDied.sqf...
  9. R

    100% Kill & Death Messages

    add sleep to your server_playerdied.sqf diag_log _loc_message; [nil, nil, rTITLETEXT, _message, "PLAIN DOWN", 0] call RE; sleep 30; // Cleanup
  10. R

    100% Kill & Death Messages

    So anyone have an idea how do I add these kill messages to Side Chat? A hint? A nudge? No? Nothing? We've tried all that we can think of and have reached the end of our collective rope and knowledge. On a POSITIVE note .....We have had great success breaking all the chat channels and...
  11. R

    Issue with running multiple protection domes.

    I have 16 domes up and no issues, It appears you are missing brackets and some code My mission.sqm : class Item1 { side="LOGIC"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={708.96582,35.858719,3533.1272}; id=50; side="LOGIC"; vehicle="FunctionsManager"; leader=1...
  12. R

    100% Kill & Death Messages

    I'd also like to know how to get the message to be displayed in a chat so I can catch it in Gotcha or DaRT....
  13. R

    RPT Log - Help

    So is this a Hack?
  14. R

    Server Kill Messages

  15. R

    [Request] Zone base warning/kill

    Excellent point. Gorsy, Thanks for that breakdown. I set all my domes 'z' to '0' (zero) and they appear to go as high as you can fly (never tried to see how high) so I assume that when z=0 it will be infinite height and z >0 will be a specific height? If my assumption is correct this could...
  16. R

    [Request] Zone base warning/kill

    So.... How would I teleport a player away instead of killing them?