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  1. D

    1 Bullet 2 Kills and alot of Desync XD team mate desynced into my bullet as i shot a player somehow ended up being a double kill :P
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    Add NOS to cars

    hi i wanna add a nos script to the bmw VIP in epoch so preferably so u can press and hold f and it sets velocity of the car ive played a mission called road rage by celery he uses this piece of code _vehicle setVelocity [(((_dir select 0)*((speed _vehicle)/3.6)+(_dir select 0)*_accel)+((_vel...
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    Disable humanity

    hi i made a pvp arena in my server so on spawn u get the option to teleport there on spawn but players are avoiding going there because the effect it has on humanity i was wondering if there is a way to disable the humanity feature while-st in the arena i run a epoch server if this changes...
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    [Help] Vehicle Max Speed

    Does Anyone know how to change the max speed on a vehicle? is it possible through mission file? any info would help Thx d0nny94
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    namalsk Object Spawns

    hi i cant find pwnozors namalsk files anywere i have got it to woork on his sever files but i dont have a object_classes or object_spawns i was wondering if someone could upload 1 for me to import :p ok i spent some time and made my own if any of u want it ill attach it i couldent do the...