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  1. J

    HUGS Gaming - The Splinter Zone

    HUGS Gaming have produced a server with competitive and solo play features that needs populating. ---------------- For Lonewolf ---------------- For lonewolf we have mini missions with Sarge AI bandit bases, Krixes self blood bag and Dyaimo's base building with much help from Rosska85. The...
  2. J

    Create a Zed Pen - Help

    I am trying to create a pen/warehouse where I can spawn 10 - 15 zeds. It is made to look like the infected were locked in. Like Hershel's farm in Series 2! I have installed custom loot on my server which is working fine. I have added in an object (microphone_ep1) and assigned it loot and zed...
  3. J

    AI Whitelist

    Hi Sarge, I read in a previous post you would maybe do a Whitelist by UID if enough people requested it. I would like to request it if it has not been done already. I am setting up a Base Building territorial type server and I would love to offer AI protection for the bases so that AI will...
  4. J

    Wreck and crash loot underneath

    Hi, I am having a problem with loot spawns. At first I thought there was no loot spawning at any wreck or crash site. As it turns out loot is spawning in a pile underneath the wreck. I have seen many forums, posts and bug reports for this but so far no fixes. I have played with some settings...
  5. J

    Admin Ammobox Inventory (SQL Method)

    This is not a program I have written or anything special at all. All it is is a copy of my Ammobox inventory from my admin base. I looked around for a long time and found nothing so pulled this together from randoms bits. Hopefully it will help others for a quick cut and paste. If you have...
  6. J

    Spawn wrecks dynamically

    Hi, Is it possible to have a wreck spawned dynamically? What I mean by this is to have a wreck spawn in a certain location under a certain condition. I am looking to have the wreck spawn when I need it to rather than a random time under chance. So for example, if I walk into an certain area...
  7. J

    Custom Building Additions Duplicating

    I have a weird problem. I am using the editor to add custom buildings. I put them into the server using the mission.sqf method. They appear on the server fine and with fine tuning the appear in the correct spot. Awesome. But then I added a building with a door on it. It seems that every time...
  8. J

    Static Spawn Problems

    Hi Sarge, If I do a fresh install it works perfectly. As soon as I mess with it it goes nuts, lol. My problem is that I am trying to create a survivor camp on Skalisty Island next to the lighthouse. I have set dynamic spawn to false. I added in my grid position and other values. When I start...
  9. J

    Vilayer Servers with ACP Panel

    I am not a programmer, scripter or SQL analyst but I do have a Vilayer Server and it has given me quite the learning curve. I would like to use this thread for Vilayer server admins to share the knowledge and ask questions. We can all help each other out.