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  1. M

    Running Namalsk with Bliss latest update.

    No heli's or wrecks, nothing in server. Updated to latest bliss and my RPT is spamming: Error in expression <((count needUpdate_objects) > 0 && (time - _last> Error position: <needUpdate_objects) > 0 && (time - _last> Error Undefined variable in expression: needupdate_objects
  2. M

    Mission Editting: Display database info on connect?

    Anyone have any good resources where I could learn to do this? I'd like to display their total zombie kills when they connect.
  3. M

    Cannot upgrade: 'the server is running version Survivor2_DZ'

    When I try to enter the game it flashes black and says "You are running an inccorect version of Dayz: Namalsk, please download newest version from (You are running version 0.60 and the server is running version Survivor2_DZ) Here is the thing. After this happens I can revert...