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  1. T

    Menu Colors Request

    Was wondering if there is a certain syntax that is needed to "color" the menu items when creating custom player action scroll features. Example: SpecialMenu = [ ["",true], ["Menu 1", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"menu1.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Menu 2"...
  2. T

    Finding _sfx names

    So had an idea to use other types of "_sfx" sounds for different actions that people can do on the server. One thing I can't seem to find the link on is where or when is the sfx sound files named or how are they called upon. Example: (I find this in the CfgSounds.hpp) class z_tentunpack_0 {...
  3. T

    DayZ Crafting System - Needing Guidance

    Been loving this system since it was released and works wonders for my server, but I do have one problem that I can't seem to figure out. Would like to have new "crafting" items that would require the player to have more than one "of" item in their inventory to craft another product...