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  1. J

    [DayZ Trinity] Future updates

    So, I'm a really active player on the new mod called "Trinity Island" and wanting to have others be able to enjoy it as much as I do myself. So I've made a poll ontop of this forum for you guys to vote on updates that you would like to see. Also, you can comment what other updates you might...
  2. J

    [STANDALONE] Rocket needs to listen to players.

    I'm hoping that Rocket realises that the only real success of DayZ is because of the mods that have been brought out because of it and has increased the sales of the Games Arma II and OAH and the downloads that have came with it for DayZ itself. The mods that should be included should be chosen...
  3. J

    Questions/Issues Answered [Help]

    There are some issues and questions at the moment that I'm going to try and answer below. 1) "Something went wrong, please disconnect and try again" - You don't have to disconnect, all you have to do is wait for 10-30 seconds and you will get into the game. 2) "I'm spawning into the sea and...