Search results

  1. T

    Need helpers/admins for a dayz epoch server!

    I'm buying a epoch server and I need some people to come help and script with me. I need someone who is good with Epoch so we can play on the server and someone who is good at scripting. This will come with a admin rank on my server and a nice pay when the server is up and running. If you would...
  2. T

    Im looking for some people to play with. ([L.T.L] Live To Liberate)

    THIS IS FOR DAYZ CLAN TRYOUTS! I need a good team of people to join my Dayz Clan, Must be serious. We will be playing on all maps, we just need a few good assult people, myself and another teammate are some of the best snipers/assult please add me on skype, join my TS/Raidcall (pref. skype or...