Search results

  1. Falcyn

    DayZ[QF] Taviana (2.0/103419) BaseBuilding - Mission Events - 600+ Vehicles - Auto Refuel - NPCs

    QF (Quixotic Folly) is excited to announce the launch of a new Taviana Server. We'd like to grow our community, and if you're looking for a great server to play on, give us a shot. We've played on many Taviana servers and know that walking is... well... unacceptable. - We've placed over 600...
  2. Falcyn

    DayZ[QF] Taviana (2.0/103419) BaseBuilding - Mission Events - 600+ Vehicles - Auto Refuel - NPCs

    QF (Quixotic Folly) is excited to announce the launch of a new Taviana Server. We'd like to grow our community, and if you're looking for a great server to play on, give us a shot. We've played on many Taviana servers and know that walking is... well... unacceptable. - We've placed over 600...