- chernarus, tents duping.


New Member
on my private server our tents are saving; however, the are not properly saving items.

i place a tent -> i place 2 items into the tent -> server restarts -> 2 items stay in tent -> i remove items -> restart server -> items persist.

also, any additional items put into the tent after the FIRST restart will not save to the tent.

anyone have a clue on how to resolve this issue, or at least easily wipe tents on server restart to prevent duping?
Wipe tents yes... do it in a way that doesn't piss off your players? probably not.

There's some code in the server.pbo that deals with the tent items - and someone posted a change to make to it up here SOMEWHERE... I've done it on my server, and I haven't seen a duping tent yet or have had a dupe tent reported. Of course, everyone is on hiatus waiting on stand alone, so I'm sure it's not getting a proper workout to see if it's really fixed or not...
Sure, there's really only one place that gets changed in the server.pbo. I'll find that tomorrow when I'm on my home PC and share that for you.
I also have the same problem.

DayZ.st admins told me its something to do with dayz code

However, on the release bug list its says that this is not a bug and must be fixed by the server admins

So I've tried that http://www.silentspy.net/utility/dayz/mission-generator/
According to someone on the official forum its should fix tents but it doesnt.
Ive compared the code between both files and the only things being changed with that solution is pointless

So now I am sitting here for a solution.
Players on my server are trying to abuse that bug putting NVG tents AS50 so I have to manually delete them from the DB everytime one is trying to dupe them again.
Dayz.st admins are hopeful to add a fix for tents this week, guarantee though. They have a ton of servers to look out for all at once.

The current solution to fixing the tents problem was adding fuel to the deployables database and that would break a lot in the current status per dayz.st admins