A Little Help With Objects

Joshua Hodges

New Member
I am an admin on a newer Dayz server and we have noticed that all buildings in the world have been labeled as house. we are running the auto refuel and repair script, lift and tow, heli crash sites, self blood, custom load screen, sarges AI, blur anti hack, debug moniter, parts removal, protected dome, clothing removal, anti zed emiiter, remove road block, care packages, base building.
Dayz Chenarus

I dont see why even a hanger would register as a house and this makes setting the id for the repair script. any help would be appreciated.

it could very well be the way the game is coded, there is tons of stuff that is considered spawning a vehicle such as a box when it isnt a vehicle at all. they just got lazy and figured they will recycle the hell out of something that worked instead of making code for other things.
I dont think so. The Firehouse in Cherno is labeled as a firehouse but the one in a custom base is labeled a house. Also the base building wont allow players to build as it says they are indoors even when they are in the middle of a field. Thank though Doppelganger. I thought of that too.