"A plot for life" Compile help


New Member
I've been trying to get "A plot for life" working for like 3 days now, I've got it to work twice now but each time it seems to break the zombie speed. (I had them walking)
in the instructions it says

Search for
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";

Replace with
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\A_Plot_for_Life\init\compiles.sqf";

I'm not sure what to do here because i have my own custom compiles already, When i do replace my custom compiles it kills the server, If i add the line below rather than replacing it works but zombies run again.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Does that script have its own compiles.sqf included or is it asking you to copy and edit the dayz mod compiles.sqf?

Short answer is just add whatever changes they want into to your current compiles.sqf .

If they have a compiles.sqf of their own included with the script, you can just add that line AFTER your current custom compiles line.
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "iKILLJOYS current custom compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\A_Plot_for_Life\init\compiles.sqf";
Does that script have its own compiles.sqf included or is it asking you to copy and edit the dayz mod compiles.sqf?

Short answer is just add whatever changes they want into to your current compiles.sqf .

If they have a compiles.sqf of their own included with the script, you can just add that line AFTER your current custom compiles line.
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "iKILLJOYS current custom compiles.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\A_Plot_for_Life\init\compiles.sqf";

It does have its own compiles.sqf I've added the line below and it does work but the major problem with it is somehow zombies are able to run again, (We had them walking) I'm not sure whats causing it. I'm still looking into it, Thanks for the reply though!
does the new compiles.sqf have any of the same lines as a standard compiles or just a few lines?
if it has all the compiles lines then it is overwriting your changes with the defaults.
does the new compiles.sqf have any of the same lines as a standard compiles or just a few lines?
if it has all the compiles lines then it is overwriting your changes with the defaults.
Amazing! Thanks alot for the tip man, Really appreciate it. Just //'d the conflicting lines and Finally got it working :D