add more zombies in town


New Member
Hello, I would like to increase the number of zombies in town, but I do not know how. I found the file server_townZombify.sqf

someone could help me?

private ["_town","_spot","_buildings","_list","_size","_numZeds","_impt","_position","_totalBuildings","_numGroups","_building","_type","_nearMen","_i","_trigger","_code","_val"];
//has town
_town = _this;
_type = type _town;
_spot = objNull;
_buildings = [];
_list = [];
_numZeds = 2;

_impt = (importance _town);
_size = 50;
switch (_type) do {
    default {
        _numZeds = 3;
        _size = 40 * _impt;
    case "NameCity": {
        _numZeds = 6;
        _size = 80 * _impt;
    case "NameCityCapital": {
        _numZeds = 10;
        _size = 120 * _impt;

_position = position _town;
_buildings = nearestObjects [_position, ["Building"], _size];
_totalBuildings = count _buildings;
_numGroups = 0;
_i = 0;    
            _markerstr = createMarker["markername_" + (text _town),_position];
            _markerstr setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
            _markerstr setMarkerSize [_size, _size];
_trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",_position];
_trigger setTriggerArea[dayz_zSpawnDistance,dayz_zSpawnDistance,0,false];
_trigger setTriggerActivation["WEST","NOT PRESENT",false];
_code = format["_id = [%1,%2,'%3'] spawn server_townDeZombify;",_position,_size,_type];
_trigger setTriggerStatements["this", _code, ""];
_val = 60 * 10;
_trigger setTriggerTimeout [_val, _val, _val, true];

while {_numGroups < _numZeds and _i < _totalBuildings} do {
    _building = _buildings call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    if (!isNull _building) then {
        _list = _building nearRoads 20;
        if (count _list > 0) then {
            _spot = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
            _nearMen = (position _spot) nearEntities [["Man"],50];
            if (!isNull _spot and (count _nearMen == 0)) then {
                                            _marker = createMarker [(text _town) + "Marker2" + str(_i), position _spot];
                                            _marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
                                            _marker setMarkerType "DOT";
                                            _marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
                                            _marker setMarkerText str(_i);
                _numGroups = _numGroups + 1;
                (position _spot) spawn dayz_spawnZombies;
    _i = _i + 1;
    sleep 0.1;
i has try with :

_numZeds = 20;

_impt = (importance _town);
_size = 50;
switch (_type) do {
    default {
        _numZeds = 30;
        _size = 40 * _impt;
    case "NameCity": {
        _numZeds = 60;
        _size = 80 * _impt;
    case "NameCityCapital": {
        _numZeds = 100;
        _size = 120 * _impt;

and the variable maxlocalzombie = 40 140 / 1400 but that don't work