Adding a AI Base to Skalisty Island


Hiya guys :p I'm looking to add some AI to a base I've just made on Skalisty Island using ArmA 3D Editor, would anyone be so kind to show me how one would make all SargeAI soldiers non-friendly :mad: and add a patrol around a area on Skalisty Island?

I plan on making the soldier AI heavily armed and guard the base as a form of a non-stop AI mission, is there a way I could either add Sarge AI to permanently patrol the island (optional: and guard the bridge to the island) or maybe create a custom mission (using I believe DayZ Mission System which I already have configured for spawning missions at random intervals) that will respawn 5-10 mins after its been completed.

I know my description of what I'm after is somewhat confusing but i'm sure you bright fellows can work out a vague idea of what i'm after :D Thanks in advance!
When SargeAI spawns in patrols one of the variables determines whether the patrol is survivor, soldier, or bandit. there is an example of how to do this in the \addons\SARGE\map_config\######## _grps.sqf file for the map you wish to add the patrols to. for Cherno, this would be SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf
Thanks for the reply the problem is I don't know how to configure Sarge as well as many others, I've checked the configs etc and read the example, the problem is where do I get the coordinates from? Also is there a way I can make the military AI permanently non-friendly regardless of humanity?
In your addons\SARGE\map_config folder look for a file that says something like SAR_cfg_grps_chernarus.sqf.

In that file scroll down until you find a section for adding static patrols called:

// Static, predefined infantry patrols in defined areas with configurable units below which is some text in which each line begins with //, meaning that these are comments.

About 10 lines down is some blank space. Add your definitions of AI patrols here as follows.

The center of Stalitsky Island is at about [13732,2948];
You can find coordinates for specific locations using the map tool, or using the dual debug monitor described in these forums elsewhere on Opendayz; it is useful because it gives Admins the map coordinates at which they are standing. Note that these are different from the GPS coordinates for that spot.

So, to create a patrol with 1 sniper and 3 riflemen that patrols using the center of Stalitsky island as a reference point and does NOT respawn once all AI have been killed, use the following as an example:

_coords = [13732,2948]; // Hilltop of Stalitsky Island
[_coords,3,1,3,"patrol",false] call SAR_AI;

To have the AI defend a possition at this location use:
[_coords,3,1,3,"fortify",false] call SAR_AI;

To have a marker appear on the map at that locaction add the following code to this section :

_this = createMarker ["bandit_camp1", _coords];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0.5; // 0 creates an invisible marker, 1 a bold one
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [50, 50]; // increase or decrease these dimensions to change the size of the marker on the map
bandit_camp1 = _this; // assign the marker to some sort of permenant variable for later if needed.

You can have more than one patrol spawn at this location or spread them out at several locations. The coordinates are expressed in meters so by adding or subtracting 10 or 20 from each of the coordinates you can space your patrols out.

for example, you can create 4 reference points then spawn one patrol at each

_coords = [13732,2948];
_coords2 = [13700,2938];
_coords3 = [13650,2950];
_coords4 = [13645,2965];

[_coords,3,1,3,"patrol",false] call SAR_AI;
[_coords2,3,1,3,"patrol",false] call SAR_AI;
[_coords3,3,1,3,"patrol",false] call SAR_AI;
[_coords4,3,1,3,"patrol",false] call SAR_AI;

I hope this helps.
That was exactly what i was looking for! :D Thanks for the clear explanation, i've added this lot in the only issue is using your suggested coords the AI spawn up at Guba Bay, your help is appreciated! :D
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glad that was helpful. I estimated the coords while flying over the island in a heli so they could have been off. Good luck with your AI project.
To get the coordinates, go to where you want the AI to spawn, log off of the server, get your coordinates from the database, and use those.
glad that was helpful. I estimated the coords while flying over the island in a heli so they could have been off. Good luck with your AI project.

They're atleast spawning so it shouldn't be too difficult to work it out from here

To get the coordinates, go to where you want the AI to spawn, log off of the server, get your coordinates from the database, and use those.

God thats gonna be a long job, log in, log off, log in, log off lol, i did take a look for the mentioned tools but can't seem to find the actual threads for the debug monitor or the map tool only help support