Adding AI and weapons from RMOD2.1


New Member
Hello. I was recommended to come here to ask my questions about using AI and adding new weapons in to Dayz.

I also use Dayz ControlCenter with RMOD2.1 installed.

1-So, how can I add AI? I thought it was just placing them in the editor and upload to your server, but I was told that this is not the correct way of doing it. I was planning on making a base and then adding soldiers there to defend it from players and zombies.

2-I managed to place vehicles from Rmod into my server using DCC by placing them in the editor and then uploading onto the server. However, I don't know how to do it with weapons.

I wanted to make these things work because, me and some friends decided to have our own server to play on, but with AI and extra vehicles and weapons.
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