Adding vehicles

Hey guys,
I am trying to do the same thing here but I can't get it working. I downloaded the PHP file and I can run it using XAMPP. The first thing I am struggling with is the path. I put my mission.sqf in the htdocs folder just like the PHP file. When I use UrbanSkaters's code: $fileName = 'c:/xampp/htdocs/missionfile.sqf'; //path to your mission.sqm file it doesn't work. The only way I get past the error RichyM92 has in post #5 is when I use this code: $fileName = 'c:\xampp\htdocs\'; //path to your mission.sqm file without the missionfile.sqf in it and the slashes the other way. But when I use that I get the next error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 's' (T_STRING) in C:\xampp\htdocs\dbMissionParser1_1.php on line 23 If i take out that part causing this error in line 23 the next error will show up about some other part in the file that is 'wrong'...
I have no idea what I am doing wrong...
Oh and about the vehicle limit: setting the vehicle limit in the control panel to 999 won't spawn 999 vehicles but I think you know that. To change the limit of the vehicles spawning you got in your DB with PHPMyAdmin and you go into your bliss_.... and then you go to the 'vehicle' tab. There you should see a limit_min and a limit_max. These are the ones you would be looking for. If limit_max is set to 5 for example for a Huey there will only be 5 of those in your server.
If I can't get this working the only other way to do this is adding them in manually. Using the coördinates and stuff from the mission file and adding the vehicles to the database one by one. But that is going to be quite a job when I want to add 100 new vehicle spawns...
When I was getting the error it was a missing line i had done or I never had it Xamp fully on
If you would like help feel free to add me on steam or add me on skype Richy_uff.
Sure. I am going to have lunch now but I will be back in 15 min or so. I will add you on skype and steam...