AI - vehicle death


New Member
Is it possible to get into an AI vehicle without getting instakilled?

I don't know if it was just a bug, but when i tried to enter the AI vehicle, that they used, i got instakilled. Is it common or did the game just f* me over :p ?

Edit: I found the AI again, entered their vehicle, got instakilled!
So, anyone knows a fix to this ? I don't want my players to die from taking their vehicle. RPT Log Server Cleanup.fsm

That's the RPT server log and my servercleanup.fsm from Dayzpriv, those are the vehicles that instakill every player that finds the vehicles before they see the AI wandering. So they are excited to find a car, get into the vehicle, they die and never come back to play on the server lol. Any ideas because i'm new to this sh*t
recheck that you made the necessary changes to server_cleanuo.fsm, and check your rpt.

Is it stating "killing a hacker" when you get blown up ?
