Animated/Realistic Helicrashs

I like the way it explodes and comes down as a massive fireball, but I do have to agree with Tiger that it being simply triggered by proximity of a player rather than any form of shots at it, or perhaps a random explosion somewhere doesn't seem right. This seems like in a full server, you're basically handing a pot of gold to someone at random, rather than making them follow the rainbow to see where it ends
Script Fixes

5 setDamage

!"_helipilot setdamage 1;" !"_crashwreck setdamage 1;" !"_wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "_crashwreck setdamage 1;"];"
Played a little while on my Dev server. Didnt see any and the report didnt show any either. What value do you change to make the chance higher?
tested.... works great i got both kinds of choper flying arround and crashing
folowed the instructions and edited the spawn times
no problems at all so far

thx u did a great job