BEC problems



I'm trying to make the server work, I have more errors in the BEC.
and the server does not restart by itself, does not even appear in the dayz launcher, or dayz commander, most my friends can fleece the server list in the game.

there are BEC config files

and this is my server start.bat
@Echo off
start "arma2" /min "Expansion\beta\arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=instance_11_Chernarus\config.cfg" "-cfg=instance_11_Chernarus\basic.cfg" "-profiles=instance_11_Chernarus" -name=instance_11_Chernarus "-mod=@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server;"

I'm opening the dayz server, and then BEC separately
We are assuming that you have installed your server in c:\arma2oaserver. As with all things BattlEye this will take some tweaking. But this is the short list of steps to do.
  1. in your cfgdayz/battleye folder create a file called beserver.cfg and the only line it it should be
    rconpassword yourpassword
  2. In your bec/config/config.cfg file you have to make sure this line points to your BattlEye folder
    # Set the path to the BattlEye directory that is currently in use by the server.
    BePath =c:\arma2oaserver\cfgdayz\BattlEye
  3. In order to restart the server you need to have the scheduler enabled. So in your BEC/config folder edit config.cfg line by removing the # in front of the #scheduler = scheduler.xml so it looks like this
    # Set the path to the Scheduler.xml file.
    Scheduler = Scheduler.xml

  4. The scheduler will now work when you start BEC. But you must edit the scheduler to restart the server. There are a lot of options but what you specifically need is this.
    <job id="4">

  5. and now your bat file to restart the server
    @echo off
    echo KILL arma2oaserver.exe
    taskkill /im arma2oaserver.exe
    echo Kill Bec.exe
    taskkill /im bec.exe
    timeout 10
    echo Starting Dayz Server
    :: start the server..
    cd c:\arma2oaserver
    start "" "@START_SERVER.bat"
    echo Starting Bec
    timeout 10
    :: start bec
    cd c:\arma2oaserver\bec
    start "" "bec.exe" -f Config.cfg
    echo Server Started 
  6. read this tutorial if you have trouble
I think the scheduler.xml I pasted that from is an older version. Remove and ignore cmdtype and see if it works. If there are any discrepencies between my example and the documentation, follow the documentation as you are using a newer version than we did last year .. probably.
one more problem

I tried #beclient guid into the game, but not is showing nothing.
so i put my steam id in A2_Admins.xml and not working too.

how i get guid now??
idk because we are using steam id.

corrected these erros, got guid joining in another server, and the other fixed itself.

Thanks for your amazing help.
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restarts i'll test still, the others things are all working.
the only thing missing is how i make server restart 3 times in day time, and 1 time full moon night.

and how i make the server execute a database sql file automatically to reset vehicles positions
BEC working, restarts working, all fine.

now i have to fix another problems with player dying, and the body reappears in the place of death for 5 seconds before the respawn
so you have 2 dead bodies on the same place after a player dies?
better open a new thread for that :)