Bloodsuckers in Chernarus?


New Member
Not sure if this is the correct forum, but I am using Pwnoz0r's DayZ Private Server Pack. First off, thank you so much, everything worked fine as directed, and I am connecting to my own server!!!

I am running my own server so I can mod it. My question is, how hard would it be to import the bloodsuckers from namalsk in other maps, like chernarus? Any help is appreciated! btw, I have a lot of experience with coding and modding etc... , just a newb at arma2/dayz.

edit: also, dayz origins has soldier AI? Hmmn, it would be kind of cool to have occasional UN/special forces/survivors 'clear up' AI show up from time to time that you could battle for better drops. Just an idea.
been on a crash course with arma 2/dayz deving & modding the last few days, and I can see that I would almost definitely need my own map to support bloodsuckers, so I am happy just playing with them on Namalsk :)

The soldier AI though, thanks to Sarge AI framework is great, even supports heli patrols. Together with rmod, I have just what I need to get my server going for me and a few friends.
wots ur server called
:)Plz tell me

Hi Curt, sorry man, didnt check back. I talked to the namalask creator and he gave me some advice, and it looks like clients will need namalsk crisis w. dayz namalsk, or they would need to download a custom chenarus map that I would implement. So unlikely that I will be doing this. Emailed Sumrak again to get a definitive answer if it is possible to get clients to download bloodsuckers like a mission file w.o. needing a custom chenarus map :)
As fas as AI, I found 'Sarge AI' on this site, and it rocks! Still testing my server atm. It will be very low player count, but will let you know when it is up.
Sorry for the necro, but it's better than a new thread.

I've seen videos of Bloodsuckers working on Chernarus, anyone know how one would be able to do this?
Is it a completely standalone mod or what?

From my understanding there's no way of doing this without having the client download all the required material, so I guess there's no hope for this?

I'd guess they could be inserted just like sarge, only their skin would be different, sou it would be like killer cows or something...
Holy fuck that would be awesome..
You would need to have the namalsk version downloaded and launch it alongside your chernarus, force all your users to launch it, and include it in your server files. Then you would need to make your description.ext call for it and install SargeAI to use the skin classname: