Blur Gaming Custom Spawn Tutorial

This works on my server but how can i get it to say something like "Welcome *players name*" i was told that 'name player' is the variable that does this but it doesn't work any one know how to do this?

cutText ["Welcome [Say players name?]", "PLAIN DOWN"];
This works on my server but how can i get it to say something like "Welcome *players name*" i was told that 'name player' is the variable that does this but it doesn't work any one know how to do this?

cutText ["Welcome [Say players name?]", "PLAIN DOWN"];
I would try
cutText ["Welcome %1", "PLAIN DOWN"];

In my debug monitor I'm using "dayz_playerName" to define player names. Just deductive reasoning. I could very well be wrong.
cutText ["Welcome %1", "PLAIN DOWN"];
Could be an open string. I am no pro. Only trying to help. Sorry. :c

Omg so noob code!

i fix :D

private [ "_welcomeMessage" ];
_welcomeMessage = format["Welcome back to the land of the living, %1...",format["%1", name player]];
waitUntil {!isNil ("dayz_Totalzedscheck")};
//intro move
playSound "introSong"
cutText [_welcomeMessage, "PLAIN DOWN"];
Omg so noob code!

i fix :D

private [ "_welcomeMessage" ];
_welcomeMessage = format["Welcome back to the land of the living, %1...",format["%1", name player]];
waitUntil {!isNil ("dayz_Totalzedscheck")};
//intro move
playSound "introSong"
cutText [_welcomeMessage, "PLAIN DOWN"];

I am VERY noob. :c Only trying to help. On a side note; I'm impressed that I was as close as I was. x)
If I wanted to broadcast a global message when a player joins could I just change
private [ "_welcomeMessage" ];
global [ "_welcomeMessage" ];
That would be great if you could help this is my problem.... "something went wrong" this is after trying to implement the halo jump, previous to this i put in the intro music which worked fine.

If you can help that would be great but if not its ok, i dont want to cause anyone any headaches

Thank you
That would be great if you could help this is my problem.... "something went wrong" this is after trying to implement the halo jump, previous to this i put in the intro music which worked fine.

If you can help that would be great but if not its ok, i dont want to cause anyone any headaches

Thank you

It's usually just a simple open code somewhere or another. Mind sending me a PM with a link to your PBO?
Use this code now, the
waitUntil {!isNil ("dayz_Totalzedscheck")};
no longer exists in DayZ so use this instead
waitUntil {!isNil ("dayz_animalCheck")};