Chopper's weapons


Chopper is there in my game but is not attacking so after looking here I will have to add the weapons name but what is the classname for the UH1H and mi-17 dz.


//Classnames of air vehicle types to use. Valid vehicle types: Helicopters and Planes (Default: "UH1H_DZ").
//Air vehicles that are normally unarmed may have weapons added by DZAI (see "DZAI_airWeapons" setting below).
DZAI_heliTypes = ["UH1H_DZ"];

//Specify vehicle weapon for air vehicles that are unarmed by default. DZAI will arm these air vehicles with the specified weapons upon spawning each vehicle.
//NOTE: As of DZAI 1.9+, vehicle classnames are verified. If the classname is invalid (banned or nonexistent), it will not be added to the vehicle.
//Format: Each row containing a vehicle classname will be equipped with the weapon from the corresponding row in weapon classnames section. Ammo will be automatically assigned.
DZAI_airWeapons = [
//Air vehicle classnames (Remember: no comma for last entry! Otherwise, separate each string with commas)
//Corresponding weapon classnames (Remember: no comma for last entry! Otherwise, separate each string with commas)
I don't have time to make a full reply so here is the short version.

The Arma2 pilot AI is a bit weird in that they fly their helicopters like planes, meaning they fly head-on towards their targets. For helicopters with side-mounted weapons, this makes it very tricky for the AI gunners to aim properly since they have to aim straight ahead.

To put it simply, the AI helicopters can and do attack if the gunners are able to get a proper angle on their targets. For an example, see this Youtube video from the DayZ Unleashed mod (which uses DZAI) and skip to the 25 minute mark to see an AI helicopter open fire on a player without being provoked:

Because the UH1H and Mi17 are armed helicopters, DZAI won't any weapons to them. If you need to find their classnames, either Google them or check your server's vehicle database for the classname info. For many (but not all) vehicles, it's usually the name plus _DZ. In the config excerpt you pasted, you can see the UH1H's classname is simply UH1H_DZ.