Commands in the game ( For Admins Only)


New Member
Hi Guys, On this occasion and come up with this information only for the admin of each server, with this you can make your admin function along with the wonderful program spectator created by Pwnozor

In-Game Server Admin Commands

To access and log-in for DayZ Game Server Admin Controls, simply click “M” or go to the Control Settings. Before connecting to the server, you can Log-in as Admin simply by clicking “server control” and enter admin password.

How To Use Server Admin Commands In The Game: Click Servers in the menu by pressing “M” for Map, and at the Top-Left corner of your screen, you will see a Server Control section where you can log-in as an Admin. Enter your Admin Log-In Password (assuming you had already setup an Admin Password). You have a few options which are; Kick, Ban, and Server Restart.

These are the simple commands you can use in-game, and they’re very limited access compared to the ability of having DayZ Server RCON Commands.

DayZ Server RCON Commands

The DayZ BattleEye (BEServer) RCON Commands have a better approach to more admin power and user functionality for server administrators. The DayZ in-game admin controls have limited usage to only four different commands. Installing the DayZ Server RCON will enable you to have more functionality. If your server host or your box is not setup with it, please read our instructions here about setting up rcon on a dayz server.

How To Use RCON Commands: Press the chat key ( default Key is: / ).
This will allow you to input the line of commands into the chat window and confirm using the enter key. You also must use the # character before each command that you plan to use with your Administrator RCON access. This is a big help to use server commands since most admins need help figuring it out.

What Are The RCON Game Server Admin Commands? We have listed the commands below, and here is more information you need to learn about the Admin / RCON commands in DayZ.

loads the scripts.txt file w/o need to restart server
  • loadScripts

Returns a list of the available missions on the server.
playersDisplays a list of the players on the server including BE GUIDs and pings.
  • missions

Kicks a player. His # can be found in the player list using the ‘players’ command.
  • kick [player#]

MaxPing [ping]“Changes the MaxPing value. If a player has a higher ping, he will be kicked from the server.
  • RConPassword [password]

Logout from current server, but do not exit the program.
ExitCloses the connection.
  • logout

say something to player #. specially -1 equals all players on server (e.g. ‘Say -1 Hello World’)
  • Say [player#]

RCON/Admin Chat Commands using default key: /


Command Example Description#login password
  • #login adminPW

Log in as the admin #logout Admin log out #mission filename
  • #mission myDM.intro

Select mission with known name #missions Select mission #restart Restart mission #reassign Start over and reassign roles #shutdown Shuts down the server #init Reload server config file loaded by –config option #exec ban (name, ID or Player#)
  • #exec ban nickName
  • #exec ban 47114712
  • #exec ban 3

Allows you to ban a player. Their ID will be added to the ban.txt #kick (name, ID or Player#)
  • #kick nickName
  • #kick 47114712
  • #kick 3

Allows you to kick a player #monitor (interval in sec)
  • #monitor 1

Shows performance information of the server. Interval 0 means to stop monitoring #debug off
  • #debug off

Disables debbuging.#debug (interval in sec)
  • #debug 30

Default interval is 10 seconds.#debug (command) (param)
  • #debug checkFile expansion\Dta\ui.pbo
  • #debug userSent <username>
  • #debug userInfo <username>
  • #debug userQueue <username>
  • #debug JIPQueue <username>
  • #debug totalSent 10

The available commands are:
  • checkFile
  • userSent
  • userInfo
  • userQueue
  • totalSent
  • JIPQueue

Each command command can be disabled by off instead parameter e.g. '#debug userSent off'
Each command differs bit some output to screen, some to log file etc.
You need some debugger capable of catching OutputDebugString running on the client machine
(one very small and easy to use is available at SysInternals website.
You launch this debugger, you launch ARMA client, connect to the server, issue any of commands #debug (command)
  • #debug von
  • #debug console

The available commands are:

send to submitter what's on server console , works as DebugAnswer for all writes into the console
outputs into logFile defined in server.cfg as e.g. logFile = "server_console.log";

Each of those commands should show a confirmation in the chat channels.
New admin commands since Armed Assault:CommandDescription#exec server side commandExecute administration scripting command #lock Locks the server, prevents new clients from joining #unlock Unlocks the server, allows new clients to join.

I hope you like this topic.