DayZ - How to: Add additional buildings to your map


Hello guys,

I just wanted to share my method of adding new buildings/camps to dayz maps.

Thanks to:

I was following this tutorial, but was not able to get the mission file working. So I tried to do it, like it is now on the video and it works. What I wanted to do is getting it working for me.. So if it is not working for you, try to find your own way. Use your brain :) and google.

What you need:
- DayZ / Arma 2 / Arma 2 OA ....
- 3de_conv :
- PBO Manager:

This is not a tutorial about the 3D map editor - only about adding more buildings to your map and how it is actually working... anything else you need to figure out yourself.
Or reply here with your question.

Save your cities/camps while creating it more than once, objects can "be pushed out of other objects to avoid collision." After you saved it again this will be fixed. Thanks Dealman, I forgot it.


Support in this thread or on

P.S.: Please create a tutorials section in your forum ^^ or move it where it belongs to, didnt know where to post it tho.
this video is great and i got really far but... im missing certain files. such as the server mission.pbo file and the mpmissions folder can you help me???
Guys I'm in serious need of help here. I've created my mission in the 3D editor using Jon_C5 Editor update and Gnomes update to add buildings to my list of placeables and after I've spent hours creating a network of fencing around NEAF with buildings etc added too to make it more interesting for players, the buildings have all shifted once been put into the server.

Now I've followed all the steps mentioned above and in other threads and after EVERY item I places I saved the mission and repositioned objects that shifted as a result then resaved it to make sure they don't reshift, yet in the server they are still out of place?! I'm ripping my hair out as I'm spending so much time in the editor to make these amazing places for players to go explore but my effort seems in vain.

Please can somebody help if at all possible.
dont save only a few times, save as much as you can.. i dont know how to prevent shifting happened to me many times aswell ^^ but saving often enough should fix it