Epcoh - Adding A Visual Marker On Friendly Tagged Players

short version: Looking for where the "Tag Friendly" script is located in Epoch.

longer version: There was a dayz mod when you tagged them Friendly it would add a little glowing globe around their wrist that only you could see. it was small so i switched the globe to a Down Red Arrow that would be over the persons head.. no missing it. you could change
_tag = "Sign_sphere10cm_EP1" createVehicleLocal _position;
to whatever you wanted.. a huge POW flag attached to the player, whatever.. Im looking to implement the code below in to the epoch script.

    // create tags
    if (isPlayer _x) then {
    _rcharID = _x getVariable ["characterID", "0"];
    _rfriendlies = _x getVariable ["friendlies", []];
    _rfriendlyTo = _x getVariable ["friendlyTo", []];
    if ((_rcharID in _friendlies) and (_charID in _rfriendlies)) then {
    if (!(_charID in _rfriendlyTo)) then {
    _position = [0,0,0];
    _tag = "Sign_sphere10cm_EP1" createVehicleLocal _position;
    _tag attachTo [_x,[0,0,0],"lwrist"];
    _tag setVariable ["belongsTo", _rcharID];
    _rfriendlyTo set [count _rfriendlyTo, _charID];
    _x setVariable ["friendlyTo", _rfriendlyTo, true];
    _tagList set [count _tagList, [_x, _tag]];
    player setVariable ["tagList", _tagList];
    titleText [format["You and %1 are now tagged as friendlies.", (name _x)], "PLAIN DOWN"];