FOB Skalisty


I decided that I wanted to make a new Skalisty base, so I did.
Its simple and contains two barracks, one field hospital, three tents and a guardhouse - all containing loot.
There are of course other objects/items.


How-to and download link

If you want this server-side, do the following:
1. Download the SQF-file found below.
2. Extract this to the folder of your choosing.
3. Once you have placed the sqf-file in the folder, add this to your server_functions found in the init folder: call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\X\skalisty.sqf";
Replace the X with the name of your folder.

If you want to add this to the mission file, do the following:
1. Download the SQF-file found below.
2. Extract the file to the folder of your choosing.
3. In your init.sqf, add this to the bottom: [] execVM "x\skalisty.sqf";
Replace the X with the name of your folder.

Download from Dropbox:
If you want to make the sqf yourself, heres the code:

If anyone wants to edit/add/remove something, let me know and I'll send the BIEDI file.
Thnx, just added it to my server, looks great, the tower doesnt show up though, the body hangs from nothing lol :)
Replaced all MAP_ to Land_, replaced MAP_Mil_mil_Guardhouse to Land_mil_guardhouse,
But still cant find what to replace next items to:

arma2oaserver.RPT said:
15:33:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_Misc_Greenhouse,
15:33:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle FuelPump_DZ,
15:33:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Generator_DZ,
15:33:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_PowerGenerator,
15:33:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_Misc_Greenhouse,
15:33:17 Cannot create non-ai vehicle Land_PowerGenerator,

No need to answer - i've deleted those :)
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