HALO Jumps for dayz

Hangender what about my issue?

When multiple people are in an aircraft and one of them HALO jumps everyone gets ejected.

if (!isDedicated) then {
    [] spawn {
        waitUntil { !isNil ("dayzLoginRecord") and  !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 5000 and typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ") and !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -2000 and (typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ" or typeOf player == "SurvivorW2_DZ") ) and !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 0 and (typeOf player == "Bandit1_DZ" or typeOf player == "BanditW1_DZ") ) };
        if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
            [player, 1000] spawn bis_fnc_halo;

New code above ^
It accounts for all situations where a skin change might happen, so in theory this should work pretty well now. Admins with high pop servers please test :cool:


add this to setDamage exception (after 5 setDamage)

!"if ((_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ) > 7 && (getposatl _para select 2) < 100) then {player setdamage 1"

Thanks, this worked, now I'm getting kicked for #47 when I deploy parachute?
if (!isDedicated) then {
    [] spawn {
        waitUntil { !isNil ("dayzLoginRecord") and  !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 5000 and typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ") and !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] < -2000 and (typeOf player == "Survivor2_DZ" or typeOf player == "SurvivorW2_DZ") ) and !(player getVariable ["humanity",0] > 0 and (typeOf player == "Bandit1_DZ" or typeOf player == "BanditW1_DZ") ) };
        if (dayzPlayerLogin2 select 2) then
            [player, 1000] spawn bis_fnc_halo;

New code above ^
It accounts for all situations where a skin change might happen, so in theory this should work pretty well now. Admins with high pop servers please test :cool:


add this to setDamage exception (after 5 setDamage)

!"if ((_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ) > 7 && (getposatl _para select 2) < 100) then {player setdamage 1"

Will test tonight. Thanks again.
Edit: Never mind, went full retard and missed the top line of init.sqf code so wasn't calling the modified halo code, but the base arma 2 one, I will leave this here though as I want to know If my createvehicle exception was right?

So now I get kicked for createvehicle #47:
17.02.2013 03:58:47: Ricardo - #0 "ParachuteWest" 8:258 [10591,2260,275]
17.02.2013 03:58:49: Ricardo - #0 "ParachuteC" 8:259 [10594,2260,6]
17.02.2013 03:58:49: Ricardo - #47 "ParachuteC" 8:259 [10594,2260,6]

Which is:
5 "Parachute" !="ParachuteWest" //under monitoring

So would the correct fix be?

1 "Parachute" !="ParachuteWest" !="ParachuteC" //under monitoring

Update: For some strange reason, the script is giving me a parachute called "ParachuteC" so everytime I openchute I get killed and can see
 4:10:28 "CLEANUP: KILLING A HACKER Ricardo B 1-1-C:1 (Ricardo) REMOTE IN ParachuteC"
All you need is the ParachuteWest exception in createVehicle.txt. Seeing as how you are getting logged for parachuteC you are prolly still somehow using the default bis_fnc_halo.
All you need is the ParachuteWest exception in createVehicle.txt. Seeing as how you are getting logged for parachuteC you are prolly still somehow using the default bis_fnc_halo.
Yup, edited above and fixed now :p but was my !="ParachuteC" correct? Would that have allowed me to skip the kick for that specific instance?
Hey Hang, or anyone for that matter might have some insight into this. So this whole halo jump and spawns got me thinking, i was looking at this script http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14637 and thinking is there a way to set up a random time in the day/week that will trigger a Ammobox, or whatever set object to be paradropped in at a random location. Not sure if this has been done inside dayz but would be pretty cool, anyway thanks again! take care!
few more extensive testing, still having issue getting stuck up in the clouds for extended periods of time, it would seem to lag out for awhile, then after a bit you start falling without the open chute option. Its a hit and miss, it works one time, and then hangs up on another test. Now im not sure if this is due to Fog, as its happened a few times where its been heavy fog after restarts and we cant see anything and not falling yet the animation and sounds are there.

I also have some PPeffects on maybe that is affecting it, the sand/effects script on load in, i have this jsut above the HALO Line, i had it at the end but i was having connecting issues.

if (!isDedicated) then {
    [] execVM "weather\effects.sqf";
    [] execVM "weather\sand.sqf";

edit: seems to happen when more than 1-2 people on the server
First of all thanks for you work Hangender
Sadly I can;t figure out why I'm still being kicked by BE (Script Restriction #21)
I've added:
!"_para = \"ParachuteWest\" createVehicle position _unit"
to scripts.txt but no no luck

The sctipts.log looks like this:

bis_fnc_halo = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "fixes\fn_HALO.sqf";
18.02.2013 18:59:03: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #189 "sions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\fixes\haloInit.sqf"
player spawn bis_fnc_halo;
player action [ "eject", vehicle player];
18.02.2013 18:59:03: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #204 "chernarus\fixes\haloInit.sqf"
player spawn bis_fnc_halo;
player action [ "eject", vehicle player];
18.02.2013 18:59:03: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #21 "",
bis_fnc_halo_clouds = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos; 
bis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleParams _parray;"

Any help will be appreciated.
Change 5 createVehicle to 1 createVehicle in scripts.txt
Yeah, I know how "1" just creates a log, and "5" kicks for the scripts - this can probably help me identify what part still triggers the kick since it's just #21 "" atm. Leaving the line with "1" is not really a solution. Or is it?
Yeah, I know how "1" just creates a log, and "5" kicks for the scripts - this can probably help me identify what part still triggers the kick since it's just #21 "" atm. Leaving the line with "1" is not really a solution. Or is it?

Add this in 5 createVehicleLocal
!"",\n        player\n];\nbis_fnc_halo_clouds = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos;\nbis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleParams _parray;"
Add this in 5 createVehicleLocal
!"",\n        player\n];\nbis_fnc_halo_clouds = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal _pos;\nbis_fnc_halo_clouds setParticleParams _parray;"

Thank you very much sir. That one fixed #20. After that I've got 40# but I fixed it by the code posted couple of pages back:

!"if ((_velZ - bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ) > 7 && (getposatl _para select 2) < 100) then {player setdamage 1"

So I've got into a MH6J_DZ with a friend. I've selected the HALO JUMP option and...my character just stepted out, felt and died :D

I's there a min. height for this to work or I screwed something up?


if (!isServer) then {
"drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" addPublicVariableEven"
19.02.2013 13:00:46: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #189 "sions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\fixes\haloInit.sqf"
player spawn bis_fnc_halo;
player action [ "eject", vehicle player];
19.02.2013 13:00:46: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #204 "chernarus\fixes\haloInit.sqf"
player spawn bis_fnc_halo;
player action [ "eject", vehicle player];
19.02.2013 13:00:46: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #76 "alo_para_velZ)];};
bis_fnc_halo_para_velZ = _velZ;
_para setposasl [
(getposasl _para select 0) + (sin _dir * (0.1 + bis_fnc_h"
19.02.2013 13:00:46: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #127 "rachute = vehicle _unit;
if (_parachute != _unit) then {
deletevehicle _parachute;
_dir = ([[0,0,0],velocity _unit] call bi"
19.02.2013 13:00:46: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #135 "layer;
bis_fnc_halo_vel = bis_fnc_halo_vel * 0.96;
player setvelocity [
(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * bis_fnc_halo_vel),
(_vel s"
19.02.2013 13:00:46: cyrq (xxx) xxx - #189 "t) iskindof "ParachuteBase" || !isnil {_unit getvariable "bis_fnc_halo_now"}};
if (!local _unit) exitwith {};
_parachute = veh"

EDIT: Ok, I've tried it in an UH1 and it works fine when you're on the Gunner or Crew Chief seat. Backseat works like in the MH6J. The character just sits out of the chopper like its a car, falls down and dies.
You need to eject at like 400 altitude for it to work. Not sure of the exact number but 400 works and 300 does not. Evrything was working fine on mine but now everyone is spwning at the SW corner of the map. Any Ideas?