Has anyone got kill messages working on epoch please?

If you mean the simple NAME was killed, you have to change that in your server settings I believe.
Unless you mean the more in-depth Name was killed by Player at a distance of 100m etc.
I found and used this to make it work for my server. in your Init.sqf, find enableRadio false; and change flase to true.

Then, add
DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;
DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;

under // DayZ Epoch config
Hi there, this only showed up the Ai killing each other.
I was looking for player kills.

did I do it correct?

// DayZ Epoch config
DZE_DeathMsgGlobal = true;
DZE_DeathMsgTitleText = true;
spawnShoremode = 1; // Default = 1 (on shore)
spawnArea= 1500; // Default = 1500
MaxHeliCrashes= 5; // Default = 5
MaxVehicleLimit = 100; // Default = 50
MaxDynamicDebris = 100; // Default = 100
dayz_MapArea = 14000; // Default = 10000
dayz_maxLocalZombies = 30; // Default = 30

many thanks

Ok thanks mate, I tried that link but when I get to the part 'dayz_server/compile/server_playerDied.sqf'

Its all different at the top it doesn't look the same.

many thanks

This is my Server_PlayerDied code. try make it look like this.
private ["_characterID","_minutes","_newObject","_playerID","_playerName","_infected","_victim","_victimName","_killer","_killerName","_weapon","_distance","_message","_loc_message","_key","_death_record"];
//[unit, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo, magazine, projectile]
_characterID =    _this select 0;
_minutes =        _this select 1;
_newObject =    _this select 2;
_playerID =    _this select 3;
_playerName =    _this select 4;
_infected =        _this select 5;
_victim removeAllEventHandlers "MPHit";
_victim enableSimulation false;
_victim removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
_victim removeAllEventHandlers "Killed";
_victim removeAllEventHandlers "Fired";
_victim removeAllEventHandlers "FiredNear";
_victim = _newObject;
_victimName = _victim getVariable["bodyName", "nil"];
_killer = _victim getVariable["AttackedBy", "nil"];
_killerName = _victim getVariable["AttackedByName", "nil"];
// when a zombie kills a player _killer, _killerName and _weapon will be "nil"
// we can use this to determine a zombie kill and send a customized message for that. right now no killmsg means it was a zombie.
if (_killerName != "nil") then
    _weapon = _victim getVariable["AttackedByWeapon", "nil"];
    _distance = _victim getVariable["AttackedFromDistance", "nil"];
    if (_victimName == _killerName) then
        _message = format["%1 killed himself",_victimName];
        _loc_message = format["PKILL: %1 killed himself", _victimName];
        _message = format["%1 was killed by %2 with weapon %3 from %4m",_victimName, _killerName, _weapon, _distance];
        _loc_message = format["PKILL: %1 was killed by %2 with weapon %3 from %4m", _victimName, _killerName, _weapon, _distance];
    diag_log _loc_message;
    if(DZE_DeathMsgGlobal) then {
        [nil, nil, rspawn, [_killer, _message], { (_this select 0) globalChat (_this select 1) }] call RE;
    /* needs customRemoteMessage
    if(DZE_DeathMsgGlobal) then {
        customRemoteMessage = ['globalChat', _message, _killer];
        publicVariable "customRemoteMessage";
    if(DZE_DeathMsgSide) then {
        [nil, nil, rspawn, [_killer, _message], { (_this select 0) sideChat (_this select 1) }] call RE;
    if(DZE_DeathMsgTitleText) then {
        [nil,nil,"per",rTITLETEXT,_message,"PLAIN DOWN"] call RE;
    // build array to store death messages to allow viewing at message board in trader citys.
    _death_record = [
    PlayerDeaths set [count PlayerDeaths,_death_record];
    // Cleanup
    _victim setVariable["AttackedBy", "nil", true];
    _victim setVariable["AttackedByName", "nil", true];
    _victim setVariable["AttackedByWeapon", "nil", true];
    _victim setVariable["AttackedFromDistance", "nil", true];
// Might not be the best way...
if (isnil "dayz_disco") then {
    dayz_disco = [];
// dayz_disco = dayz_disco - [_playerID];
_newObject setVariable["processedDeath",time];
if (typeName _minutes == "STRING") then
    _minutes = parseNumber _minutes;
diag_log ("PDEATH: Player Died " + _playerID);
if (_characterID != "0") then
    _key = format["CHILD:202:%1:%2:%3:",_characterID,_minutes,_infected];
    diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
    _key call server_hiveWrite;
    deleteVehicle _newObject;
Ive done that, the code you posted is excatly what is in the file as default! and the 'dayz_server/compile/fnc_plyrHit.sqf' file it asks me to download is already inside the compile folder as default too, its slightly different so i just replaced it.

Its like the default epoch files have kill messages half set up??!!

Testing now, just waiting for someone to come online
