Heli patrols not attacking

Hi all. First post. My apologies if this question has already been asked but I have searched and cannot find an answer... I've got SargeAI running on Overwatch 0.2.2 and it all seems to work fine, except the heli patrols seem to be happily flying back and forth ignoring everyone. I've tried setting them up as both military and bandit, I've left the heli type at default, which is the huey I believe. It's not a range thing - they can fly low right over me and keep on going. I shoot at them and they still ignore me. If it's a humanity thing I could understand but shouldn't bandits attack everyone regardless? Thanks for a great mod btw.
in your SARGE=>Map-config folder look to Sar_cfg_grps_"yourmap".sqf
first in
SAR_AI: Static spawning area definition started
add a marker like

// NWAF, heli patrol area
_this = createMarker ["SAR_marker_helipatrol_nwaf", [4525.3335, 10292.299]];
_this setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE";
_this setMarkeralpha 0;
_this setMarkerType "Flag";
_this setMarkerBrush "Solid";
_this setMarkerSize [1500, 500];
_this setMarkerDir 59.354115;
SAR_marker_helipatrol_nwaf = _this;
after in
SAR_AI: Static Spawning for Helicopter patrols started
add :
[SAR_marker_helipatrol_nwaf,1,true] call SAR_AI_heli;
juste change the number by 1, 2 or 3 like you want 1=military 2=survivor and 3=bandits
change true with false if you want they respawn or not but you can make time if you want for the respawn in second
for exemple i want the patrol military respawn about 2 minutes :
[SAR_marker_helipatrol_nwaf,1,120] call SAR_AI_heli;
erm... yeah, thanks. As stated in my first post I have AI heli patrols working - they are flying around - they just are't doing very much (except consuming server resources). Same with the vehicle patrols as well it seems.
First, if you want them to attack everyone without making other modifications to Sarge's base Framework you need to make them Bandits. Only the Bandit faction is set to unFriendly by default. Second, try increasing your spot distances. I believe vehciles are set at default of 500.


Try an increase of +250 to bring it to 750.

Also, set your other spot distance and spot time

["spotDistance",  0.40, 0.30],   
["spotTime",      0.45, 0.20],

in the config to .99, .01 while debuging. Start high and work you way down if you find them to start attacking after the initial crank up.

This is about the best I can do for you right now while I am at work. Try these out and let me know your findings.
My heli patrols work as well..but shouldnt if I set the chance of bandit,survivor, soldier settings to 100 for bandits and 00 for rest then the heli patrols will be bandits? I also noticed in the heli patrol sqf the group case is set to 1 should it be set to 3 for bandits?