Hi guys, creating a new admin panel

hi guys i am going to start making a new admin panel that is profesonal looking and that can be used on most maps

i would like some ideas off people on what they would like in there things what i will be adding

Basic start/stop/restart the server
repair all cars/helis
list of all players with UID etc
a search bar to search for the player
health editor
inventory editor
backpack editor
teleport to player
teleport to location (within cherno at first and then other maps in future)
list of banned and unbanned cars/helis so that people dont keep asking

also i would like some help off a design as om not sure how i want it all to be set out

thanks for any suggestions i will keep updating with new news
like i said in the other thread...
please make sure to use case sensitive filenames for the images of the inventory etc...
so it runs on linux hosted webspace too...

for example:
windows makes no difference between Map and map but linux does...

but i guess your start/stop/restart wouldnt work on linux hosted dayz anyways...