Host issues...


New Member
Hey Guys,

So I'm in a pickle and need everyone's opinion if possible.. Let me give you a little backstory..

I originally bought from DayZ.St but switched due to not liking them for certain reasons which are irrelevant, to SurvivalServers.. However, I've been having more than a few problems... My servers keep going into 'unknown' status and also had some issues uploading due to null routed site. I have a support ticket up for over 24 hours now.. I plan to leave their services soon..

My current host (besides SS) is Vilayer, HOWEVER, I'm having problems with them as well. Besides a not-so-easy overpoch installation and no clear way to get overpoch Napf, I'm having to do overpoch chernarus (providing this method to get overpoch even works.) I also can't access my FTP and have had a support ticket up for several hours now.

So, the question is, What host do I switch to to fix these issues? I don't have the knowledge to setup DayZ straight from a dedi unless I find a good tutorial.. What should I do?

Thanks guys!