How do i remove items (e.g. Matchbox)


Simple Question :

How do i remove items like Flashlight, Map, Toolbox etc. via script if some does a specific action ?

"removeItem" does not work and on the official BIS wiki i get only "removeWeapon" / "removeMagazine" etc.

Any ideas ?
Have used that and it didn´t work. I´m trying to remove the matchbox from the inventory. And ItemMatchbox is defined as an item, not a magazine. Guess this is why it doesn´t work.

The ItemMatchbox has ItemCore defined in dayz_equip as it´s parent and ItemCore refers to an external class.....

Here is the code-snippet :

if (_chance < 50) then {
                        player removeMagazine "ItemMatchbox";
                        cutText ["Text" , "PLAIN DOWN"];};
    _unit removeweapon "ItemMap";
    _unit removeweapon "ItemCompass";
    _unit removeweapon "ItemRadio";

thats what i use for map/compass etc. Try if that works for matches - if the parent class is Itemcore, it should work.

I assume you are running your code on the client ?
Confirmed, its working. Thank you Sarge. I´ve seen this yesterday but haven´t had the chance to test it, but now it´s working.

For anyone who is maybe interested :

I´ve added a chance of failure for the creation of a campfire. Here is the code of my player_makefire.sqf (located in dayz_code\actions)

_location = player modeltoworld [0,0.3,0];
if ((_location select 2) < 0) then {
    _location set [2,0];
//_location set [2,0];
_isOk = true; //count (_location isFlatEmpty [0.3,0,0,4,0,false,player]) > 0;
_hasWood =        "PartWoodPile" in magazines player;
_chance = floor(random 100);
if (_hasWood) then {
    if (_isOk) then {
            _dir = getDir player;
            _classname = "Land_Fire_DZ";
            player playActionNow "Medic";
            sleep 6;
                if (_chance > 40) then {   
                    player removeMagazine "PartWoodPile";
                    dayz_hasFire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
                    dayz_hasFire setDir _dir;
                    player reveal dayz_hasFire;
                    cutText [localize "str_fireplace_01", "PLAIN DOWN"];
                    _id = _fire spawn player_fireMonitor;
                } else {
                    if (_chance < 15) then {
                        player removeWeapon "ItemMatchbox";
                        cutText ["The attempt to ignite the fire fails. The matches are no longer usable." , "PLAIN DOWN"];
                    } else {
                        cutText ["The match breaks. You are not able to ignite the fire." , "PLAIN DOWN"];
    } else {
        cutText [localize "str_fireplace_02", "PLAIN DOWN"];
} else {
    cutText [localize "str_player_22", "PLAIN DOWN"];

Now there is a chance of 40% that the match breaks and a chance of 15% that the matches are completely destroyed.
Due to the current functionality of the script i had no idea how to solve this in a different way. If someone thinks he has a better way, feel free to modify the script.

Due to the fact that i´m playing on my own heavily modified server, i can not give you any support on how to put the script in your specific server / mission file. There a serveral ways / tutorials on how to implementing something like this here at open-dayz. Please have a look around.