[How To] Epoch - Require plot pole to build


New Member
For those who have requested it, the simple version to require a plot pole to build. This works especially well with CPC ToeJam's indestructible objects, as it will prevent players from spamming indestructible objects in every doorway in cherno to troll players.

Why? Some like the older epoch version where it would require players to put in time and effort to build a base, and prevent the server hopping trolls from spamming cities with base parts to close streets, wall off other bases that are not their own, or barricade off high end loot positions, all within the time it takes to chop down a few trees. This has become the new barbwire spam of days old in fire stations.
This also helps server owners keep easier control of how fast objects build up on their server. This doesn't affect the dedicated player who wants to build a base. This requires a player to spend some time on the server first, getting 6 10oz gold bars is a easy feat, so those not willing to spend the hour or so doing this will be less likely to bombard your server with needless buildables only meant to troll fresh spawns out of getting gear.

Time and effort to set up: 5 minutes - Easy

Step 1: Edit your init.sqf to set up a custom override for compiles.sqf, creating the folders for the file path "\dayz_code\actions\" inside your decompiled mission.pbo main folder.
(I will not cover how to do this, google for the many resources available on these forums on how to set this up).

Step 2: Inside compiles.sqf change the following:
    player_build =                compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\player_build.sqf";

    player_build =                compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "player_build.sqf";

Step 3: Create a new text file and name it player_build.sqf and copy the following code into it:


Save, recompile and you are done!

Optional: Change dayz_characterID to dayz_playerUID if using permanent ownership in already edited files. WARNING: This requires many changes elsewhere in other files to work!

In a future update, I will be simplifying the code so adding future objects to be allowed to be built anywhere will easier to add. Also, if requested, I can add the code to set limits on individual epoch objects, for those of you who want to limit specific objects within a radius such as ladders or stairs, but leave amount of doors and walls untouched. Also at some point, I can add restriction from building in named towns, as an optional feature.Just ask for it in this thread if you want it, and I will update this post.