How to remove Junk from Only roads or custom places


Removing Rocket's added junk from roads and/or around custom points, which can be set

This is modification of original DayZ stream_locationfill.sqf, which allows removal of junk from roads and/or around custom points, leaving it everyhere else.

Requirements: Custom compiles.sqf
  • Easy = Blue <10
  • Installation into mission
Installation Steps -
  1. Take my custom stream_locationFill.sqf and put it somewhere. In my case it's dayz_1.Chernarus\custom\code\
  2. edit compiles.sqf (line 29 in my case) to be:
    stream_locationFill = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\code\stream_locationFill.sqf";
    , amend path to fit your case.
  3. Edit you stream_locationfill.sqf (Se below for explanation)
  4. You're done!
So, if you want to put something somewhere instead of junk, or just clear some area - just insert necessary points into _deniedplaces.

How and what to edit in stream_locationfill.sqf
I tried to comment all my edits but:

_roadclear = true; - set to false to not remove junk from roads.
_pointsclear = true; - set to false if you don't want to remove junk around custom points.
_mindistance = 100; - Minimum distance (radius) in which junk will not spawn around custom points.

This is array of custom points. Make sure to not add "," after last element.
_deniedplaces = [
[6329,7808], //stary sobor outpost point 1
[6294,7825] //stary sobor outpost point 2

Only switch off custom points cleaning by setting _pointsclear to false!

Credits - DayZ developers.

If you want to remove all the crap Rocket added, you could do this...

1: Unpack your dayz_mission.pbo using PBO Manager or your preferred PBO application.

2: Open up your init.sqf

3: Search for this line here:

progressLoadingScreen 1.0;

4: Underneath this line, add:

stream_locationCheck = {
//No more trash!

5: Repack and ALL of Rocket's added crap/junk/shit will be gone.
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You will need to update fa_hiveMaintenance.sqf too, otherwise the server still thinks there's stuff on the roads. Which results in randomly disappearing vehicles when the server sees one it thinks is inside an object which is actually not there for clients.
Thanks for that tip seaweeduk. I hadn't thought about that before. Makes total sense.

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Thanks for that tip seaweeduk. I hadn't thought about that before. Makes total sense.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah was an interesting bug to track down, now I look back on it the reports of it happening started coming in right after I added this mod. But I'm always changing stuff and there were never any log entries client or server side when it happened.

edit: Looks like I spoke to soon, even with the server running the same code we're still seeing the same bug. I'm gonna disable the mod first to confirm this is the root of it. I'm very confused how it can still occur with the server now using the client code.
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edit: Looks like I spoke to soon, even with the server running the same code we're still seeing the same bug. I'm gonna disable the mod first to confirm this is the root of it. I'm very confused how it can still occur with the server now using the client code.

Soon or not, it is a good idea to make server and client think the same way together. If both using the same stream_locationfill.sqf, they will act togeteher, and do same things.
About bug you noticed. I'd rather checked stream_locationdel.sqf, because it also called with junk config as argument. May be it's good idea to add same check if object is on inside stream_locationdel.sqf, so it will not try to delete objects which weree not spawned before.
Will try later and write here/update first post(if possible).