I need help with maca134 right click

ok so you want Epoch with
right click and DZGM
anything else?

if thats all you need i can set up a clean set of files for you that will make editing and adding stuff much easier :p

just let me and i will set i up and send it to you :)

yeah it would be very cool , can you then set it up for me and pm me it
i dont know how your script is working, so this would be just guessing. You can sent me it via PN or post it here.
But if you are using a Dialog for this then just add your ID to this array:

 _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144,55510, YOUR ID HERE];
i dont know how your script is working, so this would be just guessing. You can sent me it via PN or post it here.
But if you are using a Dialog for this then just add your ID to this array:

 _ALLOWED_Dialogs = [-1,106,6900,6901,6902,6903,420420,41144,55510, YOUR ID HERE];
I did what was in the topic bellow but it work great only to me as admin and my other admins but not normal players in the step number 12 they said to add 55510 to my _allowed_dialogs , but what about the other normal players I can´t add everybody´s id in my code to get it to work

ok first of all, you have there an outdated version of your ah_config, so maybe you also have an outdated version of your ah.sqf. You need to update your infistar. For me this works perfect with the newest update.
ok first of all, you have there an outdated version of your ah_config, so maybe you also have an outdated version of your ah.sqf. You need to update your infistar. For me this works perfect with the newest update.
ok , thank you for trying help me