Is there a way to bypass our own scripts in BE


Valued Member!
I've been trying 2 days now to implement some things on my clan's server and i've hit my head on the wall many times so far.
I just dont understand why BE is kicking me/players for stuff that 'I' put in my .pbo file.
I took a couple of functions like autorefuel etc and added some more stuff to functions to be run by admins in the game. For example
(Unitbackpack player) addMagazineCargo ['ItemWaterbottle', 1];
I put this inside a function that checks if the user requesting that is an admin and if he is i want this to be executed. BE complains with restriction #113. Is there a way i can tell "5 addMagazineCargo .." to ignore anything that comes out of actions/mycustomshit.sqf ?

Or do i have to add every single !"addMagazineCargo ['ItemWaterbottle', 1];"..... in my 5 addMagazineCargo line ?

Let me give another general example of what i am trying to do:
I have an admins.sqf that has an array of UIDs (my admins) and i want for them to be able to execute stuff. So i have this:

if (getPlayerUID player in (call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "admins.sqf")) then
...... ignore anything i do here stupid BE .......and when i say anything i mean stuff like:
(Unitbackpack player) addMagazineCargo ['ItemSodaMdew', 2];
(Unitbackpack player) addMagazineCargo ['ItemWaterbottle', 1];
without it bitching about in console and kicking regular users.


put this at the end of that line,


Like this:

5 addMagazineCargo !"\"addMagazineCargo\"," !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"raddMagazineCargo = 'addMagazineCargo'" !"raddMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazineCargo.sqf')" !"actions/mycustomshit.sqf"
Hi Skaters, thanks for your answer.
Yeah i know that doesnt always work for some reason. Probably because in that .sqf there are other calls like 'call PE;' its like i have to add that ....sqf on every single line :)
Thats why i was asking if there was any other way...maybe i didnt know of :)
Yeah, shame there isn't an option in the scripts.txt file to add custom scripts at the top of the file, and have all proceeding lines ignore alerts generate by those scripts. Or would that be too simple :p