Issue installing anti hack script

I've havent had any luck with this one too. I got the server to start, but could not access the admin tools.
Easy way: Open scripts.txt / select all / delete / save
Hard way: Find each script restriction and add the action that is kicking you.

I would encourage all of you to read your .rpt files. They will tell you what did or did not happen when the server starts and at least one person has joined. If the anti hack is working you will see a message that tells you it has loaded.
10:23:21 : Player #0 Kawasaki (87.1*9.75.**:****) connected
10:23:22 : Player #0 Kawasaki - GUID: ***** (unverified)
10:23:22 : Verified GUID (*****) of player #0 Kawasaki
10:23:57 : Player #0 Kawasaki (*****) has been kicked by BattlEye: Script Restriction #100
yeah but what is in the line maybe i have more space at the beginning.