
Not exactly sure what I am supposed to put in the "DZAI_launcherTypes = [];" field. I basically want a range of allowed Launchers but seems like every time I put something here it server does not start authentication.
You are supposed to add the classnames of the launcher weapons into the array, in quotes. For example, I tested the launchers using DZAI_launcherTypes = ["M136"]; since most DayZ mods have this launcher type.

[NEW] AI units may now be equipped with launcher weapons
  • Launcher weapons must first be defined in dzai_config.sqf
  • Limit of one launcher weapon per AI group
  • Launcher weapons/ammo will be removed on death (unlootable)
  • Launcher-equipped AI unit will switch from their primary weapon to the launcher if the AI group encounters an armored vehicle
  • More details here:
  • Specific weapongrades may be allowed to use launcher weapons. By default, only AI with weapongrade 1 or higher may use launchers (Note: this was changed from the original plan of weapongrade 2&3 only).
  • Server admins may permit individual weapongrades to use launchers