Modifying Heli Crash loot

Now if only I could get the LMG's to not steal backpack slots so I could add in the L110...

I think all that was needed to not steal the backpack slot was adding _DZ to the end of the weapon name. In your case, it would be: L110_DZ
I think all that was needed to not steal the backpack slot was adding _DZ to the end of the weapon name. In your case, it would be: L110_DZ

I doubt that will work, if I recall correctly Rocket made new variants for every weapon that also occupied a backpack slot and renamed it with a _DZ prefix so it would be easy to tell them apart. I believe this would need to be done manually to every other weapon that doesn't already have such a prefix.
I'm trying to get this to work.

I've modified the server_functions.sqf initially in the repo and tried building. When it builds, it seemingly overwrites the _itemtype and the _itemchance strings/arrays that I setup prior to building.

If I try and depbo the dayz_server.pbo - the server_functions.sqf in fact has none of my modified helicrash data and all the vanilla items spawn on the crash sites.. err, i should say, if i do it the method prior to building, it gives me all vanilla dayz items.

If I try and depbo the dayz_server.pbo after the fact instead, everyone gets kicked for vehicle restriction #1 - and the server stays in a "briefing" state. Because in the repo I've edited it and the server_functions.sqf does show my modifications, yet after building and taking a closer look after depacking the PBO, you can see none of my edits to the server_functions.sqf carry over.

But whats making me pull my hair out is that people have suggested depbo'ing the dayz_server.pbo and then making the modifications post-build. When I do this no one can enter the server (kicked for restriction #1 [seagull]) and it doesn't leave briefing... I likely won't find a resolve but I'll continue to google around this mess, if anyone reads this and goes "Ah, I know the problem"
please send me a private message :( or post here.


Is this thread still going? If it is I would love some help. I am trying to customise the weapons spawned at heli crash sites replacing the AS50 & L85 thermal.

So i have followed various guides, but still getting stuck on the loading screen. Reading from comments before it seems that there maybe a problem with the weapons.

So this is what I have done ;

1. Download the dayz_server.pbo from my @BlissPanthera/Addons folder
2. Extract the file with PBO manager 1.4
3. Edit the Server_Functions.sqf - see below

    _num = round(random 4) + 3;
    _config =        configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "HeliCrash";
    _itemType =        [["M60A4_EP1","weapon"], ["M4A1_Aim","weapon"], ["M14_EP1","weapon"], ["BAF_L85A2_RIS_Holo","weapon"], ["M40A3","weapon"], ["Mk_48_DZ","weapon"], ["M249_DZ","weapon"], ["SVD_CAMO","weapon"], ["DMR","weapon"], ["","military"], ["","medical"], ["MedBox0","object"], ["NVGoggles","weapon"], ["AmmoBoxSmall_556","object"], ["AmmoBoxSmall_762","object"], ["Skin_Camo1_DZ","magazine"], ["Skin_Sniper1_DZ","magazine"], ["DZ_Backpack_EP1","object"]];
    //diag_log ("DW_DEBUG: _itemType: " + str(_itemType));
    _itemChance =    [0.5, 0.05, 0.05, 0.02, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03];
    //diag_log ("DW_DEBUG: _itemChance: " + str(_itemChance));
    //diag_log ("DW_DEBUG: (isnil fnc_buildWeightedArray): " + str(isnil "fnc_buildWeightedArray"));
    waituntil {!isnil "fnc_buildWeightedArray"};

4. Packit with PBO view

Upload the file.

Connect to server & then I get this message

Script z\addons\dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf not found

Any help will be much appreciated!
open your editted dayz_server.pbo by PBO maneger and click "File Properties"
Then you'll find empty box, right click and add like below .
Property   Value
prefix     z\addons\dayz_server
open your editted dayz_server.pbo by PBO maneger and click "File Properties"
Then you'll find empty box, right click and add like below .
Property   Value
prefix     z\addons\dayz_server

Thankyou very much !!!
Use this my young padavan
_mark_carepackage1 = createMarker ["Care Package at "+str(_position),_position];
_mark_carepackage1 setMarkerType "waypoint";
_mark_carepackage1 setMarkerPos (_position);
_mark_carepackage1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_mark_carepackage1 setMarkerText " ";

but not all players can see the markers on the map.
Hi dude. This is abit digging up old threads, but why does it dissapear after reconnect of player, and only first player who joined can see it? is there any way to keep them?
i need help every time i try and put in more gun spawns and custom gun spawn like the g36k at a heli crash site and all my player get stuck on the loading screen please help!!!!!!!!!!!!
i need help every time i try and put in more gun spawns and custom gun spawn like the g36k at a heli crash site and all my player get stuck on the loading screen please help!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try using a different pbo packer? I got stuck with the loading screen. Repacked it using a different program and it worked. I didn't change to custom weapons I simply removed some. There maybe issues with custom weapons also. See thread towards the beginning.

Good luck! :)
Here you have it:
Use PBOManager, open your modified PBO, and click properties (top, the little silver thing)
Rightclick, press add
Property: prefix
Value: z\addons\dayz_server

Need to redo this all time you repack.
Else download your arma2oaserver.rpt
(if you're using you can simply press arma2oaserver.rpt on the left side of the control panel)
And copy the error in here.