New DayZ Epoch PVP Server - Looking for clans/players (Please Read)


New Member
TODAYS EVENT [8/17/2013]
Find the car that has 2 full briefcases of 10oz GOLD!!

Greetings everyone, and thank you for taking your time to read this. My name is Parker [25 years old], and I run/maintain a DayZ Epoch PVP server. We are currently looking for players, and clans that are looking for a great server with FRIENDLY active server admins. The server currently has 800+ vehicles, so you don't have to worry about not finding a vehicle. Of course, they might need a little fix before they run., but why ruin the fun by just giving ANYONE a vehicle that can drive into your base and loot you dry without lube. For those impatient, we also have a option for donation perks to give you that extra "humph" on the server. You can find the options here along with other things:

We also have a TeamSpeak server that you can find the information on the webpage listed above, or at the end of this thread that is open for players and for the clans who currently do not have a home based TS3 home. What that means is if a clan is dedicated to the server, you will get your own channel in the lobby [Clans only], with your own password, so you wont have to worry about those "PESKY little kids" starting crap with their annoying voices and such :). To get that set up, have a member or a leader of your clan get on the TS3 server and speak to "[ECA]ServerAdmin[SUPPORT]" Which is me of course. If I am offduty or afk, poke or PM me and I will get to you as fast as possible.

Our server also has its own Anti-Hack to get rid of the hackers, making the game more enjoyable for you.

As always, we look forward to seeing you on the server. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to leave a reply to this thread, and I will do my best to reply in the time given.

Server name: [ECA]||DayZEpochPVP|800+ Vehicles|ClanWars|MoreLoot|RefuelFromFuelTrucks|FriendlyAdmins|DonateOptions|(v1.0.1.5/beta 103419) [3DP:ON CH:ON][UTC+2][CHERNARUS]

Server IP: ""

TS3 IP: ""

Server Features:
800+ Vehicles :)
Epoch: Base Building
Epoch: Remove Wrecks
More Loot
More Heli Crashes
HeliLift // Towing -EDIT- Taken down due to a few glitches.
Refuel from Refuel trucks.
No Custom buildings that lag the server
Friendly Admins
Day and Night Cycle

Upcoming Features:
Self Bloodbag
Auto-Refuel from gas stations
Improved Graphics
Improved FPS

Again, thank you for looking at this thread. Hope to see you on the server :)

This is legit just joined this server and wow what an awesome loadout only 9 MORE hurry up and get on guys!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Hunter. Yesterday's event is now over. Today's is starting now.
