NW + NE Airfield Rebuild


Well-Known Member
This has probably been done already, but here's my version. I've added to both Chernarus airfields in the same addon, so you'll only have to install one file. Basically, I've added some hangars, 2 barracks, a fuel tank and some industrial/military buildings to the NW airfield (along with the requisite plane wreck off the runway). At the NE airfield, I've added a barracks, fuel tank and some random industrial/military buildings. Basically, some extra military/industrial loot and a lot of extra zombies.

This will work in tandem with my NE Military Camp addon, there is no overlap.

Get the code here - http://pastebin.com/msai8iyp

1. Save this code as "airflds.sqf"
2. Place the .sqf file inside your mission.pbo file
3. Open "init.sqf" and add the following line to the very end -

[] execVM "airflds.sqf";

NOTE: If you install this on your server, please post any feedback here... it will let me know what to do/what not to do on my other map additions. Thanks.





Hey bud, im installing this now. I'll let u know how it works.

U think u could come up with something for balota as well? Somethin that'll work with both addons talked about above?

Hit me up sometime. zedsinc.enjinvoice.com
Balota Airfield is a problem because the default debris that Rocket put in basically litters the landscape there, there's not much room to drop anything. If, however, you've removed debris from your server, I made this addon, which includes a camp on the Balota Airfield (sans debris, second screenshot is Balota). Does that work?
All the others are workin fine, I would love a tutorial from ya on building this stuff sometime. Maybe in the next couple of days if u have time. Just let me know if its something u could do. Thanks for the nice addons.