PackLockMove 1.0


New Member
PackLockMove 1.0

What does it do?
This script adds the ability to move objects, lock them down, and pack them into vehicles. It was designed to offer this functionality when not using the R3F towing feature or when you want more control over the way the system works.

All credit goes to the original author of the R3F_LOG_ARTY script. I cut out the logic behind this script, translated it to English, and cleaned up the file structure to make it easier to install and understand.

Change Log
1.0 Released 8/22/2014

Installation instructions: (File can be downloaded from GitHub link below)
1. Unzip the file "" to root of your MISSION PBO/directory
2. Modify your desription.ext file to include this line at the top:

#include "PLM\transport\dlg_vehicle_content.h

3. Modify your init.sqf to include this line at the bottom

[] execVM "PLM\init.sqf";

4. Modify the confg.cfg file to your liking (file is commented for easy setup)

5. Enjoy

1. Admin definable list of vehicles and their capacities
2. Admin definable list of packables and their weights
3. Ability to move any item by carrying
4. Ability to lock and unlock items into place
5. Ability to rotate objects during placement

1. Easier to install and configure
2. Integration with other towing scripts
3. Integration with mission systems (auto locking mission treasure to make them harder to steal)
4. Custom install directories

GitHub link
Here is the link to the github project LINK

If you want to help support me and give me feedback, come check out my servers and let me know what you think. Other than that all my scripts are my gift back to the community.