Private Epoch Server Map Install


New Member
Hi all! This may be a stupid question, but I've been known for those.

I currently have a private server and run Epoch Chernarus and Epoch Napf, but would like to set up new databases to run the other maps like Lingor, Sahrani, Panthera, etc.

Do I need to download those mods from DZC or do I need to copy the bikeys from the keys folder....or both?

Also, when I play on a map, do I have to modify the DZC launch parameter? Like =mod:mad:DayZ_Lingor;@DayZ_Epoch

Thanks in advance for your help!
I always just copied the map into the mod folder and then put that maps name in the mission.sqm instead of chernarus. But then players need to download your entire mod. So if the server and the clients have the map mod installed also then they are good. so the server would include the map file in the mod line, the client would need that mod enabled and you have to have the map name in your mission.sqm.
I can't join Panthera for some reason. I've installed DayZPanthera, DayZEpochPanthera_Epoch, and DayZEpochPanthera_Panthera. I've also moved the keys from the External Keys folder into the Keys folder.

The server starts fine, and I've tried the following in my DZC mod line (this is how I join my servers):

1. Normal start when I want to join my Chernarus or Napf server:


These do not work:

2. -mod=@DayzPanthera;@DayZEpoch;

3. -mod=@DayZEpochPanthera_Epoch;@DayZEpoch;

4. -mod=@DayZEpochPanthera_Panthera;@DayZEpoch;

5. -mod=@DayzPanthera;

6. -mod=@DayZEpochPanthera_Epoch;

7. -mod=@DayZEpochPanthera_Panthera;

8. And nothing in the mod line...all to no avail.
None of that....I just downloaded it from Armaholic, unzipped the @panthera folder into the root directory of my server, made sure to use the keys from the external keys folder, then changed the mod line in DayZ Commander.

Runs great just like that!