Problems Spawning Ammo


New Member
Hey I have a Pwnzorz Dayz private server and i am having a issue with spawning ammo. I am able to spawn in other gear eg. guns. But whenever i try to spawn in the ammo it doesn't work. Can anyone tell me how to correct spawn ammo onto players from navicat using Pwnzorz build. Or a website which gives you lots of load outs which you can just ctrl+c and ctrl+v
So would this work
When u try it doesn't though what i do is i go onto navicat then hivemind then tables then character data and ctrl+c and ctrl+v that code from the previous messages into the inventory slot and then restart the server when i join back my character sometimes just spawns with the gun with no ammo this may be the result of me editing the inventory badly and making a mistake or what can happen is i will join back with nothing but starting gear and a empty patrol pack will spawn next to him on the ground

Also is there any way to edit the default load out for this server build any help will be much appreciated thanks
You're doing it wrong somehow then. Make sure your character is aborted when you do this - there is no need to restart the server. You have probably got the syntax for the inventory wrong or you are not saving it properly. You cannot edit starting loadout as present using pwnoz0rs build