[Release] Ammo Press


Well-Known Member
Ammo Press
Version 1.02

I got this idea from the Fallout 3 Pitt DLC. Basically you can use scrap metal to press many different ammo types at the large industrial stacks like the one outside Electro.

Requirements Custom fn_selfactions and compiles.sqf files. Extract these from dayzcode.pbo
  • Easy = Blue <10
Installation Steps -
  1. Add this code to the end of your fn_selfactions.sqf:
    // ---------------------------------------AMMO PRESS ON----------------------------------
    _playerPosX = getPosASL player select 0;
    _playerPosY = getPosASL player select 1;
    _playerPosZ = getPosASL player select 2;
    _canPress = _playerPosX > 10410 and _playerPosX < 10412 and _playerPosY > 2596 and _playerPosY < 2598 and _playerPosZ > 29 and _playerPosZ < 30 && ("PartGeneric" in magazines player);
    if ( _canPress ) then {
                if (s_player_pressstn < 0) then {
                s_player_pressstn = player addAction ["Activate Ammo Press (STNAG Mags)","scripts\ammopress\stnagmag.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_pressstn;
            s_player_pressstn = -1;
    if ( _canPress ) then {
                if (s_player_pressfn < 0) then {
                s_player_pressfn = player addAction ["Activate Ammo Press (FAL Mags)","scripts\ammopress\fnmag.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_pressfn;
            s_player_pressfn = -1;
    if ( _canPress ) then {
                if (s_player_pressAKM < 0) then {
                s_player_pressAKM = player addAction ["Activate Ammo Press (AKM Mags)","scripts\ammopress\AKMMag.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_pressAKM;
            s_player_pressAKM = -1;
    if ( _canPress ) then { 
                if (s_player_pressAK < 0) then {
                s_player_pressAK = player addAction ["Activate Ammo Press (AK Mags)","scripts\ammopress\AKMag.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_pressAK;
            s_player_pressAK = -1;
    if ( _canPress ) then {
                if (s_player_pressDMR < 0) then {
                s_player_pressDMR = player addAction ["Activate Ammo Press (DMR Mags)","scripts\ammopress\DMRmag.sqf",cursorTarget, 5, false, true, "",""];
        } else {
            player removeAction s_player_pressDMR;
            s_player_pressDMR = -1;
    // ---------------------------------------AMMO PRESS OFF---------------------------------
  2. Step 2: Extract the archive from the download link and move the scripts folder into your mission.pbo
  3. Step 3: Repack and enjoy!

  • How do I activate it? Climb the ladder up the smokestack to reach the controls.
  • Help, I fell off! Be more careful. It's a long way down off that stack.
  • I was attacked by every zombie in town. Yeah, that will happen. It's good to have someone watching the ladder.
Credits -Thanks to everyone from these forums who shared their code so I could learn. This is my first solo release. I couldn't have done it without you.
Thank you, clark17, for getting the press activation to work in the correct position.
Thank you, Inattentive, for fixing my error in the fn_selfactions code.
