[Release] Easy 3rd person limit

If you're asking how to allow third person when not in a vehicle you should remove the type 'man' from the '_types' array like shown below:

_types = [



That would disallow third person only in cars.
Some modification (Admins or players bypass) and some cleanup:

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["0","Add UID to bypass"]) then {
sleep 10;
systemChat ('Greetings Master!');
} else {
_types = ["man"];
_hint = false;
_vMsg = "You may not use third person while in a vehicle of type: %1";
_fMsg = "You may not use third person while on foot or in a vehicle of type: %1";
_displayMsg = true;
_list = _types;
_msg = _vMsg;
if ("man" in _types) then {_list = _types - ["man"]; _msg = _fMsg;};
if (isDedicated) exitWith {diag_log format["MOSES 3RD :: ENABLED :: 3rd Disabled in -- %1",_types];};
while {difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView"} do {
    waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL"};
        if (vehicle player isKindOf _x) then {
            (vehicle player) switchCamera "INTERNAL";
            if (_displayMsg) then{if (_hint) then {hint format[_msg,_list];}else{cuttext [format [_msg,_list],"PLAIN DOWN",1];};};
    } forEach _types;
is it possible to make the inclusion of the regime from 1 person in combat or shooting near or at a distance of less than 1 km more than 2 people?
if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["231720134","147905606","147960070"]) then {

} else {
_types = ["air"];
_hint = false;
_vMsg = "You cannot use third person when on an air vehicle. Use Auto-Hover for third Person";
_fMsg = "You may not use third person while on foot or in a vehicle of type: %1";
_displayMsg = true;
_list = _types;
_msg = _vMsg;
if ("man" in _types) then {_list = _types - ["man"]; _msg = _fMsg;};
if (isDedicated) exitWith {diag_log format["MOSES 3RD :: ENABLED :: 3rd Disabled in -- %1",_types];};
while {difficultyEnabled "3rdPersonView"} do {
    waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL"};
        if ((vehicle player isKindOf _x) && (speed _x) >= 10)) then {
            (vehicle player) switchCamera "INTERNAL";
            if (_displayMsg) then{if (_hint) then {hint format[_msg,_list];}else{cuttext [format [_msg,_list],"PLAIN DOWN",1];};};
    } forEach _types;

Why is this not working? i added a speed check when a person is trying to land an air vehicle the camera would be allowed to switch to third
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