[Release] Official Isla Duala Traders 1.0 - For Epoch 1.0.2


Hello guys!

Here you go!
Working traders for IslaDuala on Epoch 1.0.2
(Still working on zombie spawn removal!)

Files affected:
- mission.sqf - traders and trader map objects
- mission.sqm - sensors and map markers
- server_traders.sqf - db trader options

The release package is designed to and should be working on most epoch isla duala servers!

- Epoch 1.0.2 - Isla Duala Traders 1.0 - 95% Complete

// Added:
* 3 trader cities (Nubak, Pinley and Camara)
* map markers (shows trader locations in map)
* bandit dealer (Kirabo)
* hero dealer (Kingala)
* black market dealer (Aeroporto Tasmera)
* airplane dealer (Aeroporto Molatia Inl.)
* 2 boat dealers (Swonto and Canto)
* 2 wholesalers (Kingala and Kirabo)
* killboards (killboards by every trader area)
* ambient background music (plays ambient music when you are entering a trader city)
* added working lights and natural looking market objects to every trader area
* added campfire to trader areas
* trader city welcome sensors (shows when you are entering a trader city)

// Still work in progress:
* zombie safesone (remove zombies from trader areas)

Download the server files here:

(Will continue to develope the Trader Cities and Trader files!)

Also check out our custom version of Epoch Isla Duala:
Epoch Isla Duala - DayZGO Edition v1.2.1