[Release] Tent ignite DayZ1.7.7.1


Valued Member!
Soul's Ignite Tents

What it does....
Allows players or just admins to burn down tents and have them also deleted from the

Tested and confirmed working on Reality private server.

Requirements (inc. Tools(must include dowload link)/ Expected Time/Difficulty)
  • Easy = Blue <10
  • 10 minutes install time
Installation Steps -

1: fn_selfActions.sqf:

_hasKnife        = "ItemKnife" in items player;
Add below:
_hasMatches    = "ItemMatchbox" in items player;

if(cursorTarget == dayz_hasFire and _canDo) then {
        if ((s_player_fireout < 0) and !(inflamed cursorTarget) and (player distance cursorTarget < 3)) then {
            s_player_fireout = player addAction [localize "str_actions_self_06", "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\fire_pack.sqf",cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "",""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_fireout;
        s_player_fireout = -1;

Add below:
if(_isTent and _hasMatches and _canDo and !_isMan) then {
        if (s_player_igniteTent < 0) then {
            s_player_igniteTent = player addAction [format["Ignite Tent"], "scripts\tent_ignite.sqf",cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_igniteTent;
        s_player_igniteTent = -1;
2: Create a new file called "tent_ignite.sqf" and place it in your "scripts" folder.
If you do not have a "scripts" folder in your mission.pbo create one or place
the script file in any folder you want and update the file directory in the fn_selfActions.sqf

3: Copy paste this in "tent_ignite.sqf":

    // Rewriten by Soul from DayZ2017 to work with DayZ1.7.7.1
    // Special thanks to reactortrip for bringing this up
    // Krixes for the countdown timer example in his sleep script ;D
    // The whole community for releasing all there scripts and so enabling me to learn alot!
    //Variables ------------------------------------------------
        _ent = _this select 3; //Dont touch this
        _countDownTimer = 60; //Total time to count down, makes the tent burn for 60 seconds. Change to whatever you like...
        _timeLeft = _countDownTimer; //time left to count down, dont touch this
        canAbort = true;
    player removeAction s_player_igniteTent;
    s_player_igniteTent = -1;
    player playActionNow "Medic";
    sleep 7;
    _objectID = _ent getVariable["ObjectID","0"];
    _objectUID = _ent getVariable["ObjectUID","0"];
    PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_ent,2,time,false,true];
    publicVariable "PVDZ_obj_Fire";
    _id = PVDZ_obj_Fire spawn BIS_Effects_Burn;
    for "_i" from 0 to _countDownTimer do {
    sleep 1;
    _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1;
    if(_timeLeft == 0 || _timeLeft < 0) then {
    _ent setDamage 2;
    //Deleting from database. Function found in player_packTent.sqf
    PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete";
    if (isServer) then {
        PVDZ_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
    deleteVehicle _ent;
How to use: PVDZ_obj_Fire = [_ent,5,time,false,true];
> handle=[unit,intensity,time,lifecheck,fade] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn
> unit: the name of the object that the fire will be attached to
> intensity: the intensity of the fire. Recommended to use values between
> 0.7 and 10, higher values may be used if desired though.
> time: the time that the fire started. use global variable "time". this is used to keep effects synced for JIP players
> lifecheck: if this is true then the unit will only burn as long as it is dead (!alive unit). set to false to burn things like buildings and
> fade: if true then the fire will die down over time, eventually dying
out. set to false if you want it to keep burning. (affected by rain too).
To make a gamelogic named mygamelogic burn forever with a big fire:
PVDZ_obj_Fire=[_ent,10,time,false,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Burn

4: Find at the bottom of fn_selfActions.sqf
player removeAction s_player_packtent;
    s_player_packtent = -1;
Add below that
player removeAction s_player_igniteTent;
    s_player_igniteTent = -1;

5: Repack your mission.pbo and upload and voila burn then tents.

For support click >> here <<
Customisation 1: uid limitation

If you want to limit this to admin usage only then change the action in fn_selfActions to this:
if(_isTent and _hasMatches and _canDo and !_isMan and (dayz_playerUID in ["xxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxx"])) then {
        if (s_player_igniteTent < 0) then {
            s_player_igniteTent = player addAction [format["Ignite Tent"], "scripts\tent_ignite.sqf",cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];
    } else {
        player removeAction s_player_igniteTent;
        s_player_igniteTent = -1;

in dayz_playerUID in ["xxxxxxxxx","xxxxxxxxx"] replace the xxx's with your uid or uid of a player you want to give this option to.
Customisation 2: coloured action

To give the action a color just find this line:
 s_player_igniteTent = player addAction [format["Ignite Tent"], "scripts\tent_ignite.sqf",cursorTarget, 1, true, true, "", ""];

And replace with this line:
s_player_igniteTent = player addAction [format[("<t color=""[COLOR=#ff6600]#ee8900[/COLOR]"">" + ("Ignite Tent") +"</t>")], "scripts\tent_ignite.sqf",cursorTarget, 0, true, true, "",""];

you can make it any color you want by changing "#ee8900" to whatever hex code you like.
If you dont know hex color codes you can use services like http://www.colorpicker.com
Customisation 3: FOR DAYZ 1.7.6 ONLY
This customisation fixes the deleting from database for
dayz version 1.7.6!

//Deleting from database. Function found in player_packTent.sqf
    PVDZ_obj_Delete = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariableServer "PVDZ_obj_Delete";
    if (isServer) then {
        PVDZ_obj_Delete call server_deleteObj;
Replace with:
//Deleting from database. Function found in player_packTent.sqf   
    dayzDeleteObj = [_objectID,_objectUID];
    publicVariable "dayzDeleteObj";
    if (isServer) then {
        dayzDeleteObj call server_deleteObj;