Resetting players?


New Member
Hello there,

I currently run a PvP server, but I am looking to change it to a survival server. The trouble i'm having is, I have no idea how to reset the inventories of all of the current 2000-odd players, who all have advanced weaponry such as the DMR that they spawn with. Is there a way of resetting every player at the same time, or do I have to go to each individual player on TSW and edit the inventory?

Thanks in advance,

It may depend on what DayZ server "distro" you're running. I use Pwnoz0r's version. If you have access to the database (presumably MySQL), you can modify player data. If you want all players to spawn completely fresh, use the MySQL command line interface, phpMyAdmin, or preferably some GUI database tool like HeidiSQL. Run the following query without quotes: "DELETE FROM character_data;". If you want to simply reset player inventories / medical information, look at the 'Medical', 'CurrentState', 'Backpack', and 'Inventory' fields. I don't have fresh values for those fields, but if you find a player who is freshly spawned, you can use their data as a model.