Starting loadout

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I edited my "Instance" table to create a custom starting loadout, as I've done before for other servers, but for some reason it's not loading it. It's using the Dayz default loadout instead.

I put in a support ticket and they are blaming a database conflict with Lingor Skaronator:

I see several notes on this ticket from a few of our staff, It seems no one can figure out why exactly the loadout is not working properly, I also am unsure why it is not pulling that data from the hive as it seems to be pulling everything else. They have come to the conclusion (and so have I) that it is some sort of bug with the reality files for skaro lingor which is something we can not fix. I suggest you reach out to the reality devs for this issue.

Anyone else have an issue with their starting loadout?
I'm not sure if it works because the startgear was updated in 177. I'll look tomorrow, need to sleep because it is 4am
You really don't know if custom starting loadouts work on your version of Lingor? This isn't a Dayz problem. Custom starting loadouts work on other maps just fine.
Because most other maps based on 176 or did you tested it with chernarus?

I run a Chernarus server, which is on and my custom starting loadout works fine. I thought maybe there was something about Lingor Skaronator that prevented the instance table from working with it.
The current lingor version use up to 99% original code only some tweaks for lingor was added. And the only change serverside was 1 line in the spawnfunction.
Anyway ill need to sleep :/
After doing more research, it seems the gender selection is what is causing custom loadout not to work. Now, to figure out where my day_server_config.hpp server is to turn off gender selection.
Actually, it looks like day_server_config.hpp is for servers using dayzcc. I need to find out what file I have to modify to disable gender selection. Is gender selection a standard feature of Lingor Skaro? I don't get that in my Chernarus server.
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